Batik with Emma Walder

Batik with Emma Walder


10:30 AM


Museum and Gallery


From £35.00

Age Guidance:

Suitable for ages 14+


180 minutes

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  • Description

Discover the captivating world of Batik with Emma Walder in this introductory workshop!

Batik is a mesmerising art form that involves using hot wax to draw intricate designs onto fabric, followed by vibrant dyes to bring your creation to life. Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to expand your artistic horizons, this workshop is the perfect opportunity to immerse yourself in this ancient craft.

Come prepared with a design in mind, featuring simple outlines. You're welcome to bring along a drawing or a piece of decorative fabric to inspire your creation. With Emma's expert guidance, you'll learn essential Batik techniques and unleash your creativity onto fabric.

Please bring along any old newspapers you have available.

Priority Members on sale 10am Wednesday 8 May
General on sale 10am Friday 10 May

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Sat 13 Jul 2024

Sold out
10:30 AM